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Hi, I’m Mitchell Nease

Actor. Director. Vessel of Shimmy.
BA in Theatre from York College of Pennsylvania
National Theater Institute at the Eugene O'Neill Theater Center, Fall 2018
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About Me!

I went into undergrad at York College of Pennsylvania undeclared. Nothing excited me enough to commit to doing it for the rest of my life. Well, except theatre, but that's not a real job, right? When I finally sucked it up and declared my theatre major Sophomore year, I was met with a new problem. Before, I didn't want to do anything, and now I wanted to do everything. I entered the program as an actor, and exited so much more; still an actor, but also a director, a devisor, an arts administrator, a dancer, a collaborator, an artist, and a forever student.

After completing my BA in Theatre, I've worked in the box offices of several regional theatres, completed a rigorous semester at the National Theatre Institute, tried a few different states, moved back home, quarantined during a global pandemic, become a plant dad, become a caregiver for an elderly family member, and more.

But I've stayed an actor, ready to explore the new world of virtual theatre and beyond; a forever student of theatre and of life.

Follow me on Instagram - @mitchnease


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